The howling of a wolf


The Wolf

The truth about wolves

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As you have probably already found out, I am interested in northern dogs and am very fascinated by these animals. Now I would like to go back to the very beginning, namely to the ancestors of our Nordic dogs. Like every dog, the husky is related to the wolf.

Husky's ancestors
If you take a closer look at a husky or a malamute, only one wild animal comes to mind that could be their ancestors.

Exactly, it is of course the wolf, the great-grandfather of our huskies and all other dogs.

My concern
My concern, however, is to convince you that a wolf is not a cruel beast, as it is unfortunately still often portrayed. I am not a wolf expert, but I have researched a lot about these animals and read some stories about them. And not just made-up stories, but those from researchers who have observed the wolves for years and studied their behavior. My wish is to finally end the war between humans and wolves in our country and that would actually not be so difficult.

"Loneliness is the price of freedom."

This saying is often associated with wolves, as they are known to be very independent animals that live in packs but can also survive well on their own. The saying says that freedom and independence can often come with loneliness as you move away from society and the constraints of the group. It can be difficult to be alone, but sometimes it is necessary in order to pursue our goals and dreams and to realize ourselves.