
The Tours

Husky tour through the snowy forests in Finland.

Today we have our first sleigh ride ahead of us, and of course we are looking forward to it. First the dogs are fed, and only then do we have a hearty breakfast.

After breakfast everything is prepared for the tour, then we go to the dogs. Each of us is assigned 5 dogs, which then form our own team. After a short introduction, we are allowed to harness our dogs and hitch them to the sleigh. This is not so easy, because the dogs are very excited and can hardly wait until it finally starts. But luckily the mushers (dog handlers) help us and soon 2 groups with 26 dogs each are ready to go. 26 because the guide has 6 dogs in the team.

The ride
During the ride you only hear the dogs panting and the rustling of the snow under the sleigh runners. The journey takes us through a dreamlike landscape with snow-covered forests, curious fir trees and huge lake landscapes. For lunch we grill sausages on the fire and warm ourselves up with hot tea. The hard-working dogs can also have a little rest now.

The last tour
On the last day we go into the mountains, where we can enjoy the beautiful view from the summit. Unfortunately we don't see much because the sky is overcast and the view is a bit spoiled. But it is still beautiful, in this fairytale forest up here.

The descent is then quite steep in places and we have to brake the sleigh hard to avoid any "rear-end collisions".