Husky- Erziehung

The special features of a husky

This is what I need to know
Before you get a husky, you need to find out about the special characteristics of northern dogs. There are people who actually claim that you can't train a husky. This is of course wrong, because like every dog, a husky needs basic training first. Although the husky is rather stubborn and headstrong in nature, it is very willing to learn and also surprisingly clever. There are dog trainers who don't know much about northern dogs and claim that you have to train a husky just like any other dog. However, this usually doesn't work because a northern dog ticks a little differently than a "normal" domestic dog. That's why you should choose a dog trainer for the basic training of your husky who also has a husky himself, or at least knows this breed of dog well.

Basic training
The basic training of a dog begins when it is a puppy and is very important for the further course of training. First, the young four-legged friend must know and master the basic commands. Only then can you start the actual training with him. And this should always be fun for both the dog and the owner. So at the beginning your Husky will learn the 5 most important commands in a dog school: sit, lie down, stay, come and heel.

When training dogs, no matter which dog you have, it is very important that there is a good bond between the human and the dog, so both must understand each other perfectly. The four-legged friend must always be aware that his human is the boss and no one else. A Husky can also enjoy retrieving, but because he is naturally geared towards work, it may well be that throwing sticks is too boring for him. That's why your Husky is only really in his element when you train him in pulling sports. This can be with a scooter, a bike, a cart or, in winter, a sleigh. Of course, it is then important that your dog understands the special musher commands. Training with several dogs in a team is particularly fun for both the humans and the dogs.

Mental work
There are many types of training to keep your dog busy. A husky needs a lot of activity, otherwise it will quickly become under-challenged and bored. Long walks can also keep the dog busy enough. Training doesn't always have to be strenuous for the human. For a change, it's good for the dog to do mental work. For example, you can teach it a few tricks or it has to do a certain task. Some of the very interesting and exciting sports for humans and animals are, for example, agility or dog military, both of which can be done simply for fun or as a competition. You can find examples of this in the dog sports section.