Why do huskies howl?

The howling of huskies in a pack is very important and closely connected to their nature and their ancestors, the wolves. There are a few important reasons why huskies howl:

Communication with other dogs
Howling serves as an effective way of communicating with other dogs and their pack. It is their language for conveying messages and exchanging information.

Marking territory
Howling allows huskies to signal their presence and mark their territory.

Contact with other pack members
In the wild, huskies used howling to communicate with other pack members over long distances.

So if your husky howls, it is absolutely normal and part of their original behavior. You also have to remember that huskies often make their presence known loudly, much like their wild ancestors, the wolves. If you have a husky as a loving family dog, you should be prepared for their characteristic howl to be part of them