Does a Husky need special food?
Basically, a husky is fed with ready-made food like a normal domestic dog. Because a husky works a lot, attention must be paid to the correct dosage of fat, grain and meat. In the warm months, when the dogs are less active, a high-quality dry food diluted with water is usually sufficient. In winter, a husky also needs fresh meat or fish from time to time to build up sufficient fat reserves. A husky rarely tends to be overweight, but this must also be monitored by the dog owner on an ongoing basis. Northern dogs can convert food into energy very quickly and store it in the body for a long time. This is why these "power machines" are only fed twice a day, preferably in the morning and in the evening. During longer sleigh rides or other activities, a little water and small "treats" are enough, then the dogs are motivated to continue the journey. Sled dogs are like us humans: it is difficult to work with a full stomach.
The question remains whether dry or wet food is better. There are no clear answers to this, as both options have advantages and disadvantages. That is why it is advisable to give the dogs a little variety from time to time. A piece of raw meat or fish in particular is not only a feast for the dogs, but also provides them with important nutrients and vitamins. Although the northern dogs are actually carnivores, you can also feed them vegetables. But only with caution, because a healthy balance of vitamins and minerals is also very important for a northern dog to keep them fit.